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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Jefferson, NY

location-map Jefferson , NY | (315) 757 2248

Accepting New Clients

Average Rating
From 0 Reviews

My ideal client is somebody who is motivated on working on becoming the best version of themselves. I provide a very direct approach to therapy, and am able to provide feedback in a respect but clinical matter to help people understand what is preventing them from achieving their goals. I provide 15–30-minute free consultation calls to allow my clients to feel if I am the right fit for them to ensure we are able to make the most progress.

location-map Jefferson , NY | (315) 783 0193

Accepting New Clients

Average Rating
From 0 Reviews

I have been practicing in the mental health field for over 20 years and have invested myself in the passion of assisting people to live meaningful lives.

Licence Information:

001882-01 | New York